23. Deep Work

I read this awhile back and picked it up again after listening to some podcasts. Feels good that a lot of stuff stuck.

By Cal Newport

Haley Fiege
21. CleaN sweep

Tough time for reading. This was sufficiently light. Surprisingly in depth world building. Also space vampires.

By Ilona Andrews

Haley Fiege
15. Consumed

Highlighting waste and abuse in the garment manufacturing business. A bit too informal for my taste. I wish it was better organised and less personal stories.

By Aja Barber

Haley Fiege
11. Tripping Arcadia

Really great debut. Modern gothic novel with some lgbt flavour. I’m not sure what the Arcadia references though.

By Kit Mayquist

Haley Fiege
10. Clean Air

Cool premise but the ending wasn’t super satisfying. It was too easy to figure out who the killer was.

By Sarah Blake

Haley Fiege