33. Version zero

Nice thought, blowing up the internet. Not great writing or characters unfortunately.

By David Yoon

Haley Fiege
31. Sh!T they don’t tell You

Strongly dislike this sort of glib advice book that seemed to be popular around 2010. Your life is not ‘over’ when you have a kid. It’s just different than it was before.

By Dawn Dais

Haley Fiege
30. Ten arguments for deleTing your social media accounts

I felt this one did a good job going more into the ‘user as a product’ topic which a lot of books like this lack. But maybe didn’t do as concise of a job. I also disliked the picking on conservatives as this topic is relevant and important to everyone. The judgeyness was unnecessary and could hurt the point.

By Jaron Lanier

Haley Fiege
29. FulfIllmenT

Interesting read about how the large tech companies, focusing on Amazon, have impacted the American economy. Wish the author wasn’t so meandering though.

By Alex MacGillis

Haley Fiege
26. The World in a selfie

Really bad. Just so negative on all topics. If you hate tourism so much, why spend all this time writing a book about it lol.

By Marco D’Eramo

Haley Fiege
24. Like a mother

Some interesting parts, some kind of depressing parts. Kind of judgey about breastfeeding.

By Angela Garbes

Haley Fiege
21. The Golden ThreAd

Really great historical overview of different fabrics and how they influenced human history.

By Kassia St.Clair

Haley Fiege
18. Beach Read

Fine, nice characters, weird cult side story. There also wasn’t really a beach.

By Emily Henry

Haley Fiege